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Vangelis Legakis (GR/UK/HK)


Vangelis graduated from Laban Center (London, UK) with BA in Dance theatre and MA in Choreography and he holds a Masters in Buddhist Studies from Hong Kong Univerisity. He is dedicating his career to offer his knowledge and experience to assist in the growth and education of young artists as well as professionals.


He has been visiting the Forsythe Company regularly since 2004 with who he performed ‘Human Rights’ in 2006. He holds a diploma to teach, spread and develop Flying Low and Passing Through from the 50 days workshop in Costa Rica given by David Zambrano. His work is influenced by famous dance artists, William Forsythe, Julyen Hamilton, David Zambrano, Gill Clarke, Rosemary Butcher, Rosalind Crisp. He is amalgamating his experience and knowledge from diverse dance artists including energy work (Chi Gong and Yoga) so as to provide a holistic approach into dance pedagogue and performance.


Legakis is a therapist internationally teaching and offering therapies. He studied at Morley Collge (London, UK) Reiki I, II, & Master’s levels, Reflexology, Neuro-skeletal Re-Alignment, Deep Tissue and Holistic Massage and he furthered his studies in Structural Energy Awakening Therapy – Thai Massage (Mike Tan), Divine Healing Therapy (Dr, Ahlmeirah Ariel Hallaire), Integrative Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy, Thanatology (Rosemary Wallace), Abdominal Massage (Felicity Joy) and Tsi Nei Tsang (Khun Ni). He has also studied Kundalini Yoga and Chi Gong for many years with great masters including Mantak Chia, Tew Bunnag, Swami Vivekananda, Mahasattva Ananda Sarita, Marika Bolsfeldt and many others.


He internationally teaches interdisciplinary edifying workshops; Flying Low & Passing Through, Forsythe Improvisation Technologies, Release, Contact Improvisation integrating the philosophies of Tai Chi, Chi Gong, Kundalini Yoga and healing modalities. He has been teaching at Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Academy of Peroming Arts, Hong Kong University, University of Santiago of Chile, Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Istanbul University, Taipei University of the Arts, Taipei University, Beijing Dance LDTX, City Contemporary Dance Company and many other art spaces and companies.


He is the organiser of the International Interdisciplinary NO BORDERS project that takes place each year during December in a different country and city (Link). Also he organises the IntegrO - Dance Beyond project in Chiang Mai - Thailand inviting David Zambrano to teach amongst other great teachers in different disciplines (Link), Dance and Being Arts Project in Melbourne – Australia (Link), Dance and Nature project in Tenerife – Spain (Link). He also organizes the Hong Kong Intrnational Collective Artists in Residency for Opportunities and Sustainability - HKICAROS and Hong Kong International Choreography Festival - HKICF (Link). His workshops, festivals and projects reach beyond dance and choreography, they are workshops of human development by fusing dance, spirituality and healing practices.




他自2004年起,他定期拜访弗赛斯舞团(世界著名的舞团之一),并在2006年与弗赛斯舞团一起完成了“Human Right”的演出。

2010年他在David Zambrano为期50天的工作坊里获得了教学、传播和发展Flying Low 及Passing Through资格。他的舞蹈,深受William Forsythe, Julyen Hamilton, David Zambrano, Gill Clarke, Rosemary Butcher, Rosalind Crisp这些著名的舞蹈艺术家影响。他结合了从不同舞蹈艺术家身上所获得的知识和经验,同时融入了能量层面(气功和瑜伽),为舞蹈教学和表演成为一种疗愈的方式。


梵天與是一名疗愈师,他在世界各地从事教学和疗愈工作。他曾经在莫理大学(英国伦敦)学习灵气Ⅰ、Ⅱ级及高级,反射疗法,神经-骨骼正位, 深层组织和结构整体按摩,并深入学习能量觉醒疗法(Mike Tan), 圣疗术治疗(Dr, Ahlmeirah Ariel Hallaire),、综合生物动力颅骶的治疗(Rosemary Wallace),、死亡学(Rosemary Wallace)、腹部按摩((Felicity Joy)和Tsi Nei Tsang (Khun Ni). 同时他也学习昆达里尼瑜伽 (Marika Bolsfeldt, Swami Vivekananda & Karta Singh) 和气功(Mantak Chia & Tew Bunnag),并持有来自印度Arhata Ashram学校的瑜伽教师资格证。



他在国际上(如欧洲的许多国家、土耳其、阿根廷、智利、印度、泰国、巴厘岛、中国-大陆、香港、台湾、日本、澳大利亚、菲律宾和马来西亚)教授跨学科的启迪性工作坊,Flying Low & Passing Through,福赛斯即兴技巧,内释,融合太极、气功、昆达里尼瑜伽和疗愈的接触即兴。




他是每年12月在不同的国家地区组织的国际跨学科项目-NO BORDERS的组织者(Link);


Shiny Long Ping

All rivers run into the sea (to be tolerant to diversity) is the belief in my yoga practice and my personal life. With a heart of tolerance, I had followed a lot of famous teachers from home and abroad to learn different types of Yoga since 2007. After that I found a union of various knowledge that I had learnt before. Eventually I choose the flow yoga as a main way of my practice and teaching, and develop the yoga sequence combined with the five elements in the yoga tradition.


Aiming at the characteristics of the five elements, I also combine the corresponding music, mudras, chanting, dynamic meditation and mindfulness dance into my teaching to explain what is the meaning of energy flow in Flow yoga. I aim to make the sequence of Flow more abundant and colourful and let the practitioners can have vivid and rich practice experience.


I am dedicating my life in promoting the yoga practice into daily life, with the philosophy of flow. Let more people can have great experience of Yoga practice, and bring the energy of love and peace into their lives with a enduring flow.

海纳百川是我的瑜伽和生活理念。带着一颗包容的心,从07年开始跟随国内外知名老师学习各个流派,将学习的知识融会贯通,巧妙结合。最终以流瑜伽为主要教学和练习方式,以五大元素为主题的流瑜伽序列。 针对五大元素的特质,将相对应的音乐、手印、唱诵、动态冥想、觉知舞蹈等元素巧妙的融合在一起来诠释行云流水的流瑜伽课程,让流动的序列充实饱满,让练习者拥有生动丰盈的练习体验。

Liu Yong Ming from Shanghai, China, was born on January 19, 1958.  He graduated from the College of Education (Yunnan province) with BA of  sports education in 1984-1987;In 1997-2000 he graduated from Beijing Sports University with BA. He is the professor of martial arts in institute of sports in Yunnan province; Martial arts teaching masters in Yunnan province; the organizer of Martial arts curriculums in Yunnan sports university; National Martial art level referee; the member of Martial arts association in Yunnan province; the vice-chairman of Martial Arts association in Kunming: the member of Sun-style Taiqi Research Board; ShaGuoZheng Quan Research Board.


 He engaged in Yunnna Sports Commission to receive the  professional training of martial arts in 1970 and study form the  Chinese famous martial artists Mr He Fusheng and Mr ShaGuoZheng. Under the guidance of these tow teachers he made the solid foundation of martial arts. He systematically studied the traditional techniques such as Waijia Quan,Bagua Taiqi,XingYi Quan,martial arts and sparring. He has gained good scores in the national competition for many times. He has formed his own unique style from the long-term professional training and competition.


In 1980 transferred to Yunnan sports School (Yunnan Sports Institution of Technology)as a martial arts coaches; He was accredited to bureau of education as a marital arts teacher in Yunnna correspondence university in  Kunming; The  perennial martial arts teachers in Yunnan elderly commission; The famous martial arts coach in Yunnan province . He has Published "xingyi twelve-style", "Baji Quan "and other five books and "martial arts foundation course" etc two textbooks. He also has published "the idea training used in the early times of martial arts teaching " ,"The research  in  teaching methods of XingYi Quan "and so on more than  10 academic papers.

He has taught martial arts, sparring and traditional techniques to foreign students in Kunming since 1991. All of his  students come  from different countries of Europe, America and Asia. He guided  them to win excellent scores in all kinds of martial arts competition such as the Asia Martial arts Champion, the Duaha game.







Wenguang He, pen name: Baren. From Lijiang, Yunan province. Naxi nationality. Dongba culture inheritor, third generation successor of Naxi Music family, famous folk musicians, composers, Dongba script calligrapher. He is a member of Chinese Musician Association, China Folk Artist Association, Yunnan Calligrapher's Association,  China's Ethnic Minority Music Society and deputy director of China's Modern Literature Association south club and LiuYaZi institute of art. He is the president of East and West Artists Association and Artists Association Between Citizens of Lijiang.      


      He is a singer and made a collection of Naxi ancient songs: ZaiYang tune", "Marry tune", "Yin Jiu tune" and so on.  Writing songs "yulong song", "moon”and so on . All these works are very popular and had won many prizes in the competitions of CCTV. He had published some teaching materials,"Naxi soul", “The Song of Lijiang “ etc albums and “the dream of Shangri-La -original songs “etc.  

      He has published dozens of papers “the naxi love trilogy”, “the role of the Dongba music in creation of Naxi songs ", "The traditional Naxi folk songs" and so on.

      He also has been invited to teach in many unviversities,Yunnan Arts University, Yunnan Minzu University, Nanjing Arts University, Southwest University for Nationalities, China Conservatory of music and so on.

      He is a  calligrapher of Dongba script. His works has been collected in the United States, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea theother countries and regions. and other countries and regions. Major publications: "the millennium day song", "patio spring snow", "Chinese dream" and "Heart Sutra" ,"Zodiac", etc.

和文光,笔名:巴人 纳西族、云南丽江人 东巴文化传承人、纳西音乐世家第三代传人、著名民族音乐家、国家一级作曲家、东巴文书法家、中国音乐家协会会员、中国民间文艺家协会会员、云南书法家协会会员、中国少数民族音乐学会会员、中国近代文学学会南社与柳亚子研究会艺术委员会副主任。东西方艺术家协会理事。现任丽江市民间艺人协会会长。


他是东巴文书法家,创作的东巴象形文书法作品,先后收藏在美国、法国、德国、日本、韩国等国家和地区。 代表作:《千禧天歌》、《沁园春 雪》、《中国梦》、《心经》《十二生肖》等。

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